Home Resources How we helped to optimize the positioning and gauge HCP reactions for a novel wearable patch pump in the diabetes space

How we helped to optimize the positioning and gauge HCP reactions for a novel wearable patch pump in the diabetes space

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The challenge

Our client wanted to understand physician perceptions of their novel patch pump and assess its suitability alongside current bolus practices, in order to optimize its potential on the diabetes market.


The solution

To really understand the target audience, we conducted a mix of both quantitative and qualitative research, which ensured that understanding was improved by integrating different ways of knowing.


We began by conducting 500 quantitative online surveys followed by face-to-face discussion about the completed online questionnaire and further in-depth interviews with HCPs in the US, France, Germany and Italy. From the 500 HCPs, we filtered through screener questions, 115 Endocrinologists and PCPs qualified for the qualitative portion of the study.


In addition to standard criteria, our respondents were screened on the following:

  • HCPs must have written a minimum number of bolus T2D prescriptions
  • HCPs must have adjusted the bolus insulin dose of a minimum of ten T2D patients in the past month



Final strategic recommendations were developed by considering all elements of the research. We provided our client with a report comparing different channels and markets, helping them to understand:


Current practices

  • The basis in which HCPs determine the amount of bolus each individual patient requires and how often bolus increments get modified over time for different patients
  • Demonstrated ways in which HCPs teach correction doses to patients and identified how often they do so


Influence of new device

  • Provided recommendations on the overall interest in adopting/prescribing the patch pump and reasons for interest
  • Provided indications on the acceptance of the new bolus delivery system with five pre-set doses, while exploring the key benefits and barriers to adoption vs. current bolus pens
  • Identified the most appropriate patient segments and recommended best approaches to overcome potential challenges in training T1 and T2 patients when using the new patch pump and bolus dosing system


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